Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It is time

I was sitting in church lastnight during youth group thinking, if I was a bible on my shelf I'd yell at me, I know my bible is dusty. It's been awhile sense I picked it up and read. I know My spirit has not been fed so there for my spirit is malnurished. Our spirit is like our physical body...we digest the word. Sometimes we eat things that aren't good for us( thats when the WORLD comes in). Sometimes we don't eat at all. The hardest aspect of being a christian is actual being a christian. For instance, we have highs lows and in betweens in our lives. Being a Christian is the most magnificent aspect of peoples lives. We know the love of Christ, but what do we do when we fall? Are we alone? Do we hurt and hide away from the rest of the world? WE ARE CHRISTIANS PEOPLE!!!!! What do we do best?? I'll give you a guess....It's how we talk to God...YES! Prayer!! We have to communicate with God. This world is definitley no good. Us Christians get sucked in things sometimes. I know this past week for me has been hard, or should I say months. I started smoking again, having sex again, and keeping things bundled up like it isn't a big deal, and even thought about given up church. One of my friends had said that while your doing things against God don't go to church, think, breath, or even look at a church, so I almost fallowed her advice. Here at the school my rep has went down the hole, but that's ok because I've got my Jesus. My uncle has been saying things Like " I love you neicers who is destined to become a spiritual giant" I wondering if he knows something I don't. Hmm I shall never know. Just remember no matter what you go through, no matter how hard it seems, the life Jesus has given for you has taken all your burdons away. Cut that cord at the altar and leave it there. May God be with you.

Sister in Christ